France Schengen Visas
There have been changes in the way appointments can be booked. Please see below the options we can now offer and follow the instructions on what to do next.
Please note that for nationals of the following countries, the visa
takes 3 weeks to process : Azerbeidjan, Afganistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Egypt, Ethiopie, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Kirghizstan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Republic of Chad, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
***The French Embassy no longer offers a discount to Spouses of British or EU citizens applying for a French Schengen Visa unless they are travelling with their spouse. Any applicant not travelling with their spouse will also be required to provide all relevant travel and accommodation details in the applicants name***
You are now required to do your Biometrics for a France Schengen visa. The French Embassy has outsourced this function to TLS Contact based in Wandsworth in South West London.
Priority Service
To start this process, please fill in our 'Request an Appointment' for by clicking the button below.
This Priority Service is available , subject to availability.
Nexus Visas will complete the appointment booking on TLS and the France Application Form for you.
This service requires all applicants to do biometrics. We will advise more on this once your appointment date is secured.
You must get all your documents to us at least 5 days before the appointment date.
If the documents not received in time we will have to move the appointment to a later date.
Once you confirm for this service , we will email you an Application Pack.
Meet and Greet Service
You will be required to book your own appointment on the TLS web site..
As a Request an Appointment Form has already been completed on our web site.
Nexus Visas will complete the Visa Application Form on the France Web Site for you.
We will get an FRA Number which is required to book your appointment with TLS Contact.
Nexus will save this application in a draft format, which will allow us to make any alteration/corrections later.
You must then Book your own Schengen Visa Appointment on the TLS Contact website.
You need an FRA Number to do this.
We email you the FRA number, which you need to book a visa appointment with TLS Contact.
This involves you paying TLS directly for their booking fee.
You forward us a copy of the Appointment Booking Confirmation from TLS.
Nexus Visas sends you a Document Checklist
Nexus Visas will then send you an Application Pack with a list of all the documents you need to prepare for your application.
You do not need to send us your Original Passport or BRP or Photo’s.
You just email all the supporting documents to Nexus Visas and we check them before preparing and completing the full application form for you
Once the application is ready we can further assist you in one of the following ways.
On the day of the Appointment.
Meet you outside the TLS Contact centre with a fully prepared complete application, ready to submit.
We will assist you in submitting the application.
You take the application into the centre, we will be on hand if our assistance is needed..
You will need to pay the consulate fee of 80 euros.
Once the visa is ready we can collect your passport, contact you and arrange how you would like it returned to you.
What do I do Next ????
To start the process, simply click on the link below. Complete our on-line booking request, click on submit to return the form to us..
Once the Appointment is made we will send you an email with an Appointment Confirmation + Application Pack + Document Checklist
Visa Application Fees
1. Visa fees
The full amount due must be paid direct to Nexus Visas at least 2 days before your visa appointment date. On the day of the appointment Nexus Visas will pay the Consulate Fee and all the relevant fees direct to TLS Contact.
Please note: Payment of the visa fee and the service fee does not guarantee that a visa will be granted. The visa fee and the service fee are both non-refundable and non-transferable if the visa application is denied by the Consulate-General or if you decide to terminate/withdraw your application.
All fees due to the France Consulate and TLS, are calculated in Euros.
The France Consulate and TLS Fee may change as a result of currency fluctuation between GPB and Euro
The total visa fee is only calculated in GPB and is collectible in GBP.
The Nexus Visa Fee will always be adjusted to meet these changes, however, the Total Fee Payable will always be as advertised above.
Multiple Entry & Validity of Visas
1. Please note that a multiple entry visa is issued at the DISCRETION of the Embassy. Even if you have requested a multiple entry visa on your application it is by no means guaranteed that you will get one.
2. The validity (length) period is also at the discretion of the Embassy.
3. Once the Embassy have made their decision we will not enter into any discussion or correspondence over these two issues.